Sustainable development and winter service

In its first part, the report reviews and analyses some existing methods that integrate the sustainable development approach for road infrastructure projects or road services, in various countries. Based on this state-of the-art review, it is concluded that the descriptive checklist approach is found to be the most appropriate because of its flexibility to cope with the parameters that can be country dependent.
A second part is dedicated to the identification of the main social, environmental and economic criteria to be taken into account within the winter road maintenance strategies and operations.A matrix has been developed with a simple weighting factor system based on the expertise of the Technical Committee members.
Information sheet
- Date: 2013
- Author(s): Comité technique AIPCR B.5 Viabilité hivernale / PIARC Technical Report B.5 Winter maintenance
- Domain(s): Winter Service
- Type: 2013R04EN - Technical report
- PIARC Ref.: 2013R04EN
- ISBN: 978-2-84060-314-6
- Number of pages: 34